Jahangir Muhammad oglu Abdullayev

Jahangir Mahammad oglu Abdullayev – When this name is mentioned, a world-renowned scientist with unparalleled services in the development of medical science in Azerbaijan, a pedagogue, who left a great school behind him, and the founder of the school of cardiologists in the republic comes to life.

May 1 is the birthday of this great man, a famous scientist. J. Abdullayev was born on May 1, 1901 in the family of a craftsman in the city of Ganja. Jahangir, who from childhood had rare insight and very flexible thinking abilities, successfully graduated from the classical gymnasium in Ganja in 1920, and in 1925 from the medical faculty of the Azerbaijan State University in Baku.

In 1926, young Chahangir, who graduated with honors from the medical faculty of Azerbaijan State University, was sent to continue his education at the famous clinic of the famous therapist, cardiologist, academician G. Lang in Leningrad. In Leningrad, J. Abdullaev worked under the guidance of G. Lang until 1932, acquired scientific knowledge, clinical erudition and the latest practical skills. A detailed and in-depth study by J. Abdullaev of physiological and pathological changes in the body in diseases of the cardiovascular system during the years of his stay in Leningrad indicated that in the future he would become a powerful scientist.

In 1932, Ch. Abdullayev returned to Azerbaijan from Leningrad and was elected an associate professor at the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Medical Institute. At the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute, located in the Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after A. N. Semashko, operating since 1920, together with well-known professors A. Levin, P. Mezernitsky, N. Afonsky of that time in the preparation of highly qualified medical personnel for our of the republic, ahead of the requirements of the corresponding period, took an active part in carrying out future research work and rational treatment and preventive measures.

With the arrival of J. Abdullayev at the department, research work on diseases of infectious origin, which were widespread in the country at that time, especially malaria, sporology, alimentary dystrophy, pathology of the hematopoietic and circulatory system, rheumatism, problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract, there was a big revival. In 1936 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Pathology of the cardiovascular system in patients with malaria.” After that, he was elected to the post of professor of the department of hospital therapy, and since 1942 – the head of this department.

The organization and development of cardiology in Azerbaijan is associated with the name of Ch. Abdullayev, a consistent researcher and innovator, a wise man who refers to the extensive information he received from the world literature in the field of medicine.

Academician Dzh.Abdullayev for the first time in our republic used electrocardiography and joined the practice of doctors. He has always paid special attention to the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the development of preventive measures, issues of hemocoagulation and hemodynamics, medical problems of onshore and offshore oil production, the provision of cardiac care to the population and the organization of emergency cardiac care. help. J. Abdullayev conducted scientific research mainly in three areas: pathology of the cardiovascular system; local pathology; Influence of petroleum hydrocarbons on the cardiovascular system of oil refinery workers. In 1928, clinical and experimental studies of the effect of cardiac preparations (digitalis, strophanthin) on the coronary circulation were started. Deep knowledge, vast erudition and inexhaustible energy allowed him to write more than ten textbooks and monographs in Azerbaijani and Russian. The author’s very deep books, such as “Diagnostics of diseases of the cardiovascular system”, “Issues of cardiology”, “Internal diseases”, “Pathological problems of the blood circulation and the blood system”, “Atherosclerosis and hypertension” are his significant contribution to medical science. .

During the Second World War, J. Abdullayev was the head of the Semashko Clinical Hospital in Baku, and also led the military evacuation hospital No. 3687 located in this hospital at that time.

Academician J. Abdullayev, in addition to his intensive scientific and teaching activities at the Azerbaijan Medical Institute, also led the clinical department of the Research Institute of Blood Transfusion at a high level for a significant period of time. One of his historical merits is that since 1960 he was the founder of the Department of Clinical Cardiology at the Research Experimental Clinical Institute in Baku. It was here that highly qualified cardiologists were trained under the guidance of the great scientist.

J. Abdullayev has special merits in the creation of a school of cardiologists known abroad in Azerbaijan. Under his leadership, 46 candidates of sciences, 14 doctors of sciences were trained.

In 1930, the Azerbaijan Medical Society (AMO) was established. In 1964, the Society of Azerbaijani Therapists was independently organized in the republic. Jahangir Abdullayev was first elected chairman of the Medical Society, and

later Society of Therapists. Member of the editorial board of the “Azerbaijan Medical Journal”, the Society of Cardiologists of the USSR! He led a very fruitful scientific activity as a member of the International Association of Physicians and Hematologists, editor of the cardiology section of the Great Medical Encyclopedia.

In 1959, J. Abdullayev was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, and in 1969 – a full member.

The world-famous academician J. Abdullayev, who has achieved great achievements in science, was awarded many orders and medals, as well as certificates of honor for services to the Fatherland, and his blessed memory as the founder of cardiology in Azerbaijan is immortalized by the name of the Research Institute of Cardiology.

Contemporaries knew J. Abdullayev as a talented, tireless scientist, a very sincere, principled and caring person. He lives in the memory of the Azerbaijani people as a great personality.

At present, in the 7th hall of the Museum of Medicine of Azerbaijan, exhibits reflecting the life and work of the outstanding scientist Abdullayev are exhibited on stands and showcases.



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Email: tm@esehhiye.az

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Museum:  09:00 – 18:00

Excursion: 10:00 – 16:00

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