Mammadamin Mustafa oglu Efendiyev

This year, Mammadam Mustafa oglu Efendiyev, one of the outstanding representatives of the Azerbaijani medical science, a well-known doctor and scientist, who played a major role in the training of several generations of medical staff. As a true benevolent, humanist and patriotic intellectual, he thought about the happiness of his compatriots and worked tirelessly for their health throughout his life.

M.M. Efendiyev was one of the first Azerbaijani professors and therapists of his time. He is also the first national doctor-scientist who gave lectures in Azerbaijani language on propideptics of internal diseases and wrote several textbooks and manuals.

M.M. Efendiyev, who combined progressive Russian-European science and Eastern-Muslim arrogance, was a great researcher-scientist and a skilled clinician, as well as a wonderful lecturer. Even at a young age, his lectures were well received by both students and professional doctors. One of the most interesting aspects of his teaching was that he was able to characterize the regional aspects of each disease, the national ethnic psychology of patients; he always noted that they are important in the treatment, diagnosis and care of patients.

M.A., who belongs to the first pleiad of doctors of Azerbaijan. Efendiyev was born on September 28, 1897 in the ancient city of Shamakhi. Here, the young Mammad Amin, who studied at the real school, was helped by his teachers – the famous Azerbaijani poet Abbas Sahhat, public figure H.I. Veysov, as well as M.A. Sabir, Agaali Nasir, Mammad Tarrah, Muhammad Hadi, who was a teacher with historical figures, had a great influence on his uncle Abdulrahman Tofog.

After graduating from Realny School, Mammad Amin, who was admitted to the Petrograd Institute of Electrical Engineering, could not continue his studies in the city of Inglab due to the political events and family situation, returned to Baku and worked as a teacher and translated from Arabic-Persian for two years. He entered the medical faculty of the first university opened in Baku in 1919, and after successfully graduating, he was invited to work at the hospital therapy clinic. From that time until the end of his life – 65 years. Efendiyev worked in the clinics of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute.

Since there were no scientific staff in our republic at that time, P.G. was sent from Moscow to the newly organized departments. Mezernitsky, later I.G. Ushinsky and N.P. He worked under the guidance of Afonsky.

In 1929, he was appointed an assistant at the Department of Diagnostics, and a year later, an associate professor at the Department of National Pathology. At that time, the chair was at the base of the Tropical Institute. At the same time, M.A. Efendiyev headed that institute for five years.

The doctoral dissertation he defended in 1934 was devoted to the study of the Istisu mineral water of Azerbaijan and its healing effect on the body.

In 1936, M.A., who was elected a professor of internal medicine department of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute. In 1938-1941, Efendiyev was the vice-rector for educational affairs of the Azerbaijan Doctors Improvement Institute, and in 1939, he was the acting director of that institute.

In 1941, he was mobilized from the first days of the war with Nazi Germany and served in the army as a doctor until 1944. After returning from the front, he was selected as the head of the 1 Internal Diseases Propideptics Department of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute, and worked in this position for more than 40 years.

A.D. In 1946-1948, Efendiyev also headed the clinical department of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Republic Academy of Sciences.

A scientist with deep encyclopedic knowledge has shown great scientific-practical activity in various fields of medical science and healthcare. In the 1930s, the fight against malaria, worm diseases and other tropical and parasitic diseases, which raged in Azerbaijan, was raised as a medical and social problem at the state level. After collecting a large amount of scientific information, the young scientist organized expeditions to the regions of the republic, organized and led the examination and treatment of patients in places (in Lankaran, Massali, Jalilabat, Sirvan, Evlakh, Barda, Ganja, Shamakhi). All this as a scientific result of professor M.A. A large number of scientific articles and monographs, materials for practical work have been created by Efendiyev and his students.

Professor M.A. The greatest role of Efendiyev’s practical and scientific activity belongs to the field of resort science. The scientist who studied the physico-chemical properties and medical effects of natural factors of places like Istisu, Naftalan, Shusha, Darıdag, Sirab, Badamli, Surakhani was also actively involved in the construction of the resort. In 1932, during the discussion of the construction of a resort in Azerbaijan in the Planning Committee of the USSR, it was M.A. Efendiyev appeared as a speaker, proved that a number of kurots are of universal importance and justified the expansion of their construction. Therefore, he is rightfully considered one of the founders of curoltology.

A scientist with a perfect knowledge of Arabic and Persian languages ​​conducted serious research on ancient manuscripts, collected valuable historical information by referring to the creativity of Nizami, Fizuli, Khaghani and other classics. As a result, he created sources about 22 great Azerbaijani scientists. Among them, Muzhaddin Ali Ibn Ahmad Tabrizi (XII century), Mahmud Shirvani (XX century), Shukur Shirvan (XX century) and others can be mentioned.

A.D. One of the other important areas of Efendiyev’s multi-disciplinary scientific and practical activity was the study of occupational diseases, cardiovascular system pathology and the country’s drug reserves among workers, especially oil workers.

The great research scientist did some work in the development of periodical medical press in Azerbaijan from his young age. In 1932-1937, he worked as the responsible secretary of “Azerbaijan Tibbi” magazine. In 1956, he was elected a member of the editorial board of the All-Union “Klinki Tababat” magazine. For a long time, M.A., who was elected as the chairman of the Society of Therapists of Azerbaijan. Efendiyev was also a board member of the All-Union Societies of Therapists and Cardiologists.

M.A., who has a broad worldview and education, knows the work of bibliography very well. Efendiyev is one of the organizers of the Republican Scientific-Medical Library.

His services were duly evaluated by the government, and he was awarded the Order of Lenin, medals and badges of the USSR, honorary decrees of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR. In 1957, he received the title of Honored Scientist for his extensive activity in the scientific field.

The great doctor, who was a clear example of our national intelligence with his life and creativity, as a skilled pedagogue, paid special attention to the professional and spiritual perfection of his students – young doctors. According to him, a doctor should be an intelligent citizen first of all. The scientist who added stale sweetness to the bitterness of his treatments believed that the basis of a patient’s faith in recovery is the salience of the doctor’s conversation, the tenderness of the doctor’s contact and the purity of the doctor’s morals.

One of the main tasks of the Azerbaijan Medical Museum is to convey to our current generation the activities of our outstanding doctors and scientists who contributed to the development of medical science and healthcare of our country.

Baku professor M.A. The Azerbaijan Medicine Museum organized an exhibition in the City Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after Efendiyev, the prominent scientist M.A. A photo exhibition reflecting Efendiyev’s life and activities was shown in September and October.



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Museum:  09:00 – 18:00

Excursion: 10:00 – 16:00

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