Mirgasimov Miresadulla

Mirgasimov Miresadulla Miralesker oglu was born on November 17, 1883 in Baku. In 1913 he graduated from the medical faculty of the Imperial Novorossiysk University in Odessa.

In 1927, M. Mirgasimov was the first of the Azerbaijanis, doctor of medical sciences, who defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1928 the academic title of professor was approved.

On March 31, 1945, M. Mirgasimov was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR and the first president of this Academy.

M. Mirgasimov began his career in 1913-1916 and worked as an intern at the therapeutic hospital clinic of the Novorossiysk Imperial University, as a surgeon at the German Evangelia Hospital in Odessa, as an intern, worked as the chief coordinator at the Mikhailovskaya Hospital, then was invited to the medical faculty of Baku University and was appointed assistant of the Department of Hospital Surgery. In 1926 he was sent to the Berlin-Munich University Hospital on a long scientific mission. In 1931, M. Mirgasimov was elected head of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute and worked in this position until the end of his life.

M. Mirgasimov is one of the world famous scientists, known as the founder of urological science in Azerbaijan. The main directions of his scientific activity were the study of urolithiasis in Azerbaijan, the chemical-topographic study of the extensive material collected by him on urolithiasis, the surgical treatment of prostatic hypertrophy, the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal peritonitis, and various current problems. surgery. .

M. Mirgasimov was the author of up to 90 published scientific papers, monographs, textbooks and manuals, supervisor and supervisor of 6 doctoral and 20 master’s theses. During his career, he made scientific presentations at many international congresses, symposiums, conferences and congresses, published scientific articles in the foreign press that are of interest to world health.

M. Mirgasimov was an honorary member of the Presidium of the World Association of Surgeons, the All-Union Society of Surgeons, the All-Union Society of Urologists, and the chairman of the Azerbaijan Society of Surgeons.

M. Mirgasimov was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Worker of Science” in 1936, in 1937, 1946 and 1950. was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of I, II and III convocations, was twice awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Orders of the Red Star and Lenin, as well as the medals Defense of the Caucasus, For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 gg.”, “Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War”. 1941-1945″ and others was awarded the Republican Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan was named after M. Mirgasimov, a bust of the scientist was installed in the courtyard of this hospital, and in 2014, the “Academician M. Mirgasimov Award” of ANAS was established for the first time. time.

Academician M. Mirgasimov died on July 19, 1958 in Baku, was buried in the Alley of Honor in Baku



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Museum:  09:00 – 18:00

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