Zarifa Aliyeva

The role of Zarifa Aliyeva in the development of healthcare in Azerbaijan

Zarifa Aliyeva was born in a wonderful family – in the family of Aziz Mammadkerim oglu Aliyev, an outstanding statesman, a major organizer of healthcare in Azerbaijan. Most of the qualities of this great man were embodied in his daughter Zarifa. The characteristic features of Zarifa Aliyeva were sincerity, generosity, caring, exactingness first of all to herself, and then to others, unity of word and deed, patriotism, unquenchable love for her people, motherland and land.
After graduating from the Medical Institute and completing a specialization course in ophthalmology at the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors in Moscow in 1949, he began his scientific career at the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Ophthalmology. In the first period of her scientific activity, Zarifa Aliyeva conducted relevant scientific research on the early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trachoma. These searches, reflected in the Ph.D. thesis, were not only scientific, but also of great practical importance. The importance of these studies was evidenced by the fact that thousands of people were saved from blindness and returned to socially useful work. The complex of medical measures aimed at the eradication of trachoma in Azerbaijan belongs to Zarifa Aliyeva. We will not be mistaken if we say that the feature of obtaining maximum practical results from fundamental scientific research is characteristic of both this and subsequent works of the academician.
All subsequent scientific activity of Ms. Zarifa was aimed at applying the achievements of medical science in ophthalmology. However, he has always been a supporter of the clinical direction in ophthalmology. In the 60s, the scientist was one of the first in the world to start large-scale scientific research on the problem of occupational diseases of the organ of vision. Although a number of scientific papers have been written on the study of the toxic effect of industrial poisons on the organ of vision, the effect on the eye of various ingredients of chemical production, especially occupational diseases, has been little studied. However, various combinations of chemical ingredients in many cases have a harmful effect on the human body and the organ of vision. As a result of long-term complex exposure to chemicals, dystrophic, proliferative processes occur in organs. Although the production of tires and iodine is high in many developed countries, detailed studies of the toxic effects of production waste on the body in these areas have not been conducted. One of the main directions of Zarifa Aliyeva’s scientific research was the study of eye lesions caused by the harmful effects of iodine and the tire industry. There are practically no analogues to this fundamental research in the world literature. More than 30 published scientific papers based on the results of Ms. Zarifa’s scientific research on the problem reflect the state of the organ of vision and its functions during chronic exposure to perchlorethylene, pesticides and styrene vapors. From this period, the main topic of Ms. Zarifa’s scientific research was the study of the state of the organs of vision of workers working in some branches of the chemical industry in Azerbaijan. The nature of the scientific research of the academician on this problem was the breadth of creative searches, the depth of analysis and scientific foresight.
Zarifa Aliyeva, not satisfied with the results, deepened the research topic and for the first time in the world discovered the influence of professional factors on the organ of vision, although in a small amount. The scientist regularly analyzed the results of his scientific research with his students and published them in the form of scientific articles, reports and guidelines.
The results of the fundamental scientific work carried out formed the basis of the doctoral dissertation defended by Mrs. Zarifa in 1976 at the Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Prominent scientists of this well-known institute and members of the specialized council highly appreciated the work and recommended publishing the results of many years of research in the form of a monograph, textbook and methodological recommendations.
Creative foresight and the ability to correctly determine the pulse of life allowed Zarifa Aliyeva for the first time in the world to create a research laboratory in production conditions – in the workshops of the Baku plant of domestic air conditioners. In addition to conducting scientific research, this laboratory has played a large role in the early detection and treatment of eye diseases. The scientific materials collected by this laboratory became the subject of Ph.D. theses of three students of Zarifa Aliyeva. The diversity of scientific activity of the academician is confirmed by various studies of the department and research laboratory devoted to topical issues of modern ophthalmology. In the present period of scientific research of an outstanding scientist.
Zarifa Aliyeva, who was well versed in scientific literature, diligently conducted her research in the department and research laboratory. The reason for this was Zarifa Aliyeva’s high erudition, culture of work, very clear purposefulness and adherence to principles. He had the ability to creatively look at famous events. It is these characteristics of the academician that determined his peculiar clinical and scientific activity. Zarifa Aliyeva always thought about medical ethics and deontology of doctors. This area was devoted to his monograph “High Talent”. In her lectures, khanum Zarifa Aliyeva told the audience about medical deontology at the advanced courses: “When a patient shakes hands with you and sincerely says – Doctor, thank you very much – rejoice in the achievements of your science.” He paid great attention to the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel and equipping the department and laboratory for research. In a very short time, he enriched the material and technical base of the department and laboratory.
Her clinical and experimental direction was the multifaceted scientific research conducted by Zarifa Aliyeva with her students, and the general view of this ophthalmological school. In her numerous works in the field of professional pathology of the organ of vision, Khanum Zarifa noted that the processing of scientific tasks depends not only on a thorough examination and observation of the patient, but also on the study of physical factors, the physiological state of the body, biochemical and metabolic processes, and the influence of the external environment. One thing is certain: “Zarifa Aliyeva paid great attention to revealing the depth of the process under study.”
The multifaceted scientific work of Zarifa Aliyeva is reflected in 12 monographs, more than 160 scientific papers, one invention and 12 effective proposals. Such a great scientist as Zarifa Aliyeva could be lucky enough to conduct such a multifaceted search. The importance of the issue lies not only in scientific works covering various sections of eye diseases, but also in a special approach to solving the problem. This feature is evidenced by facts reflecting the actively developing creative knowledge of the academician. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Zarifa Aliyeva laid the foundation for joint creative research conducted in the field of ophthalmology in 1970-1985. This includes the head of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Moscow Medical Institute, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor A.P. Nesterov, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, RAPO, Professor L.K. Moshetova, Deputy -President of the Russian Association of Iridologists, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor N.B. Shulpina and others. Scientific ties established with ophthalmologists are living proof of this.
Comprehensive research and publications on important issues in ophthalmology not only produced valuable results, but also laid the foundation for a collaborative collaboration that continues into the modern era. The scientist gave priority to clinical observation and analysis of doctors, paying great attention to the development of modern instrumental studies by scientists – clinicians. An important role in the formation and cooperation of ophthalmologists was played by the plenum of the board of the All-Union Scientific Society of Ophthalmologists, held in 1977 on the initiative of Mrs. Zarifa. At this high-level forum, a comprehensive study of topical problems in ophthalmology was widely discussed. The plenum was of great importance in the organization and development of this area of medicine, as well as in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
Most of the work activity of Zarifa Aliyeva is connected with the Azerbaijan State Educational Medical Institute named after A. Aliyev. At first he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Eye Diseases, then as a professor and until the end of his life as head of the department. In 1977, Doctor of Medical Sciences Zarifa Aliyeva was elected a professor at the Department of Eye Diseases of the AzDKhTI named after. A.Aliyeva and, along with pedagogical work, began to organize more effective research work. So, in 1974, the scientist’s textbooks for doctors “Herpetic eye disease” and “Acute viral conjunctivitis” were published. In 1980, the academician published three monographs: “Occupational eye diseases in rubber production”, “Anatomical and physiological features of the hydrodynamic system of the eye”, “Age-related changes in the eye and the optic nerve pathways”, in 1981 his monograph ” Chronic iodine ophthalmology in case of intoxication.
In 1980, for scientific merits and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, the professor was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Republic. In 1981 Zarifa Aliyeva was awarded a scholarship named after Academician M.I. In 1982 he was elected as the head of the department of ophthalmology of the ADGTI named after Professor A. Aliyev. His scientific ideas and complex scientific research were more widely disseminated. The department and clinic, headed by Ms. Zarifa, have become the leading center of Azerbaijan in the development of topical problems of ophthalmology, modern methods of delicate clinical examination of the patient.
The scientific and creative relations between the clinic and the department of Zarifa Aliyeva and other specialized departments and clinics of the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute, as well as the teams of the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Ophthalmology were very fruitful.
His lectures, speeches, performances have always attracted attention for their innovation and originality. The academician fascinated everyone with his culture of clear speech and expression and created his own school of speech with the formula “There is no idea that could not be expressed in a simple, clear and acceptable language” (A. I. Kersen). Under his guidance, lectures and exercises were methodically developed and supplemented with new information. Modern forms of educational materials were studied. As a result, the educational and methodological work of the department rises to a qualitatively new level and becomes more effective. He enthusiastically passed on his knowledge to young doctors and scientists.
His strict discipline, sense of responsibility, logical sequence of thoughts, high culture and brevity of speech, attention to people made a great impression on the students of general and thematic improvement courses. Zarifa Aliyeva has always been chosen for her principles, knowledge, broad outlook, innovation of ideas and high humanism when speaking at the meetings of the Academic Council of the Institute, scientific congresses, symposiums and conferences.
Of particular note is the medical work of Mrs. Zarifa. He always demanded from his staff great love and respect for the sick and said: “The attending physician is the closest person to the patient.”
The morning conference of doctors led by Mrs. Zarifa was a real school and was always lively, eventful and comprehensive. The speech of the attending physician about the patient often turned into an examination in front of an audience. His clinical studies, consultations, examinations of patients have played a big role in improving the skills of ophthalmologists.
In 1982, with the assistance of Moscow scientists, such huge works by Professor Zarifa Aliyeva as “Fundamentals of Iridology” and “Eye Diseases in Diabetes” were published. His scientific, pedagogical and clinical experience allowed him to publish in 1983 the work “Actual Problems of Ophthalmology”. This collection, like the book “Therapeutic Ophthalmology”, has become a reference book for the Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, teachers of the Azerbaijan Medical University and practitioners.
The scientific research of the academician and his students was crowned with significant success in the development of one of the important problems of dactylology. In 1983, Professor Zarifa Aliyeva and Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor M.Yu. Sultanov published two monographs on this problem – “Physiology of lacrimation” and “Modern methods of surgical treatment of lacrimation.”
In 1983, taking into account the great merits of Ms. Zarifa in medical science, she was elected a full member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.
If the honored worker of science, academician of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, professor Zarifa Aliyeva had not prematurely changed her life, her scientific and pedagogical activity would have been even more fruitful. Today, the academician’s students continue and develop cooperation with research teams, adhering to the tradition laid down by their teachers. Such scientific cooperation allows Azerbaijani ophthalmologists to achieve new successes and become worthy representatives of ophthalmology in our country and abroad.
Zarifa Aliyeva has been at the forefront of medical science and healthcare all her life. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the All-Union Scientific and Medical Society of Ophthalmologists and the All-Union Society “Bilik”, a member of the Committee for the Protection of Peace in the Soviet Union and deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan Peace Society. Defense Committee, was a member of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of Ophthalmology”. 

Zarifa Aliyeva was a creative person. His love for people has always helped everyone fight and win. He was very demanding of himself. The merits of Academician Zarifa Aliyeva were awarded high orders and medals. This noble man went down in history not only as a talented scientist, clinician, organizer of science, but also as an excellent teacher and educator of a new generation of scientists. He was the founder of one of the leading schools of ophthalmology in Azerbaijan. Under his leadership, thousands of doctors learned to give people health and the joy of creative work.



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