In the second hall, methods and means of traditional medicine are demonstrated, including scholastic, a small herbarium of some plants of the richest flora of Azerbaijan, in particular in Karabakh: in Shusha, in Lachin, in Kalbajar, and in other areas famous for their healing properties.

On a separate diorama, represented by dummies, the life of a rural family and the methods of traditional medicine are demonstrated.

The attention of visitors is attracted by samples of surgical instruments of the Middle Ages, photographs of the people’s doctors of Azerbaijan of the Gaibov dynasty and some of their belongings used for medicinal purposes. Here are photocopies of individual medical treatises of Azerbaijani folk doctors (XIII-XIX centuries), the originals of which are stored in the Institute of Manuscripts of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

This hall displays portraits, diplomas, monographs and dissertations for the degree of doctor of medicine – the first Azerbaijani doctors who received medical education in the medical faculties of Russian universities in the second half of the 19th century, as well as abroad: Abdulkhalyg Akhundova, Bahram Akhundova, the blockage of the first free clinics in Baku by Mamedrza Vekilov, Karimbek Mehmandarov, Ibrahim Rakhimov, the first Azerbaijani sanitary doctor Mustafa Sharifov and others.

A special section is dedicated to the famous Russian scientist, who enriched the domestic medical science with numerous experiments in the field of nervism and cardiology, Professor of Kazan University – Mirza Alexei Kazem-Bek.

Also in this hall information is given about the first certified doctors – women of Azerbaijan

On a separate diorama we see pre-revolutionary Baku. It shows the difficult living conditions of workers in the oil fields before the 1917 revolution.



Najafgulu Rafieva,56 



(012) 490-13-73

Email: tm@esehhiye.az

Working hours

Museum:  09:00 – 18:00

Excursion: 10:00 – 16:00

The museum is open every day except Sunday and Saturday